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COL (ret) Paul Longgrear

Col. Paul Longgrear has a combined 26 years of Federal service with a distinguished service record including such prestigious awards as Silver Star, Bronze Stars for Valor, 3 Purple Hearts and two Vietnamese government awards for valor and two achievement awards from the German Army.

Colonel Paul Longgrear retired from the US Army after 26 years of combined federal service. He is a middle east specialist and speaks on Counter Terrorism, Patriotism and Identifying the Real Enemy in the Current Terrorism Conflict. Col Longgrear has a degree in Mass Media communications and a graduate degree in Christian Counseling. He also has post-graduate studies in the prestigious Department of Defense Strategies Course offered by the US Army War College.

He has taught and coached at the college level and is a certified military instructor. He has taught Counter Terrorism, Models of Leadership, and International Conflict at the graduate level. He has also been a military instructor in HALO (High Altitude Low Opening) and SCUBA (Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus) as a means of infiltrating a hostile environment.

Col. Longgrear is a graduate of the US Army Airborne, Ranger, Special Forces Courses and numerous military counter terrorism schools including National Security Emergency Preparedness Course given at the Emergency Management Institute in Emmitsburg, Maryland, the 2nd US Army Counter Terrorism Course at Ft Bragg, NC, the Department of Defense Terrorism Counteraction Course presented at the US Army Military Police School, and the Anti-Terrorism Instructor Qualification Course at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center at Ft Bragg, NC.

His military and civilian work and travels have taken him to Europe, Central America, the Former Soviet Union, and Asia (for east and mid-east) including China. Col Longgrear served two combat tours in Vietnam and was in the middle East when Desert Storm erupted and was immediately ordered back to the USA to support the war effort.

Besides a Silver Star, Bronze Stars for Valor and 3 Purple Hearts, he has received two Vietnamese government awards for valor and two achievement awards from the German Army.

Colonel and Mrs Longgrear reside in Georgia.