July 19~21, 2024 LCTC-Castle, Carson City, NV

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July 19~21, 2024 LCTC-Castle, Carson City, NV

Post by Lionclaws »

Lion Claws Tactical Challenge - Castle at former Nevada State Prison, Carson City, NV


Fee: $1020 per team of six contestants

Schedule: Fri. 7/19/2024
1400 Contestants arrival
1900 Night Op Briefing
1930 Force on Force
2030 Endex

Sat. 7/20/2024
630 Contestants arrival
830 Opening remarks
900 Challenges Begin
1800 Dinner Break
1900 Night Mission Briefing
1930 Night Missions
2030 Endex

Sun. 7/21/2024
730 Contestants arrival
830 Briefing
900 Force on Force
1030 Endex
1100 Result announcement
1400 Off site

Logistics: RV and Car camping allowed in the parking lot OUTSIDE of the prison.

Pyro: EG67, ThunderBees, Tornato grenades are allowed. No SMOKE grenades.

Shield: ONE combat shield PER TEAM

First Place: 6 x (+ 2 additional paying members to make a full team) comp to LCTC-Mojave in Sept. 2024
Full ticket value per TEAM $1800.00 (of 8 members)
Second Place: 6 x comp LC 2025 tickets Full ticket value $195/person
Third Place: 6 x 50% off LC 2025 tickets Full ticket value $195/person

Winnings are NOT TRANSFERABLE. Valid ONLY to contestants who earned it.

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